Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Magic of Christmas

It might seem weird to most people, but to me, this Christmas seems very different. I can't really explain it.  I'll take the rest of this post to elaborate and talk through why I feel this way....

I'm reminded of the day I gave my life to Jesus. It was a warm June Day in 2010 and I was at an all-time low. When I prayed to Jesus, I remember crying to Him saying, "I have nothing to give you except my broken heart, but I know I need you and I want you here." This past Sunday, the band was singing a rock version of The Little Drummer Boy and the line "I have no gifts to bring (pa rum pum pum pum) That's fit to give our King" made me lose it!  I'm humbled how God took a broken, bruised heart and redeemed it into a loving heart full of joy.  Only God could have done that, and it never would have been possible unless He gave his only Son to be born into this imperfect world to die for my sins....

Since Bobby and I are in the adoption process, this Christmas could be the last one we celebrate as just "us".  Our anniversary is tomorrow and a few days later, we will be celebrating our 2nd Christmas together, but first "real" Christmas. Last year, we were still getting settled and wrapping up our elopement chaos.  This year, we have our tree, family, new traditions, etc. that we got to experience and create together.  When our child comes into our life, we will be creating even more traditions. The anticipation of getting our child makes me empathize with Mary, Joseph, and the people waiting on the prophesy to be fulfilled. They were waiting in anticipation for the Messiah to come. Little did they know it would come in the most humble of places...

The Christmas Spirit is all around us, turning Scrooges into Saints and Grinches into Givers.  My heart is so full and soft that I never want this feeling to leave. I think this is the first time (in a very long time) that I'm excited for Christmas and the magic it brings. 

If I don't get to talk to you before the 25th, Merry Christmas!

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