Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sweeter than honey

Recently, I've been thanking God for the blessing of my husband. He truly thinks of me before himself and showed that this week. My 89 Camry, appropriately named "Old Faithful" died and we decided to get a new car. Jesus blessed us with a much newer vehicle that is not only fuel efficient, but perfect for when we start our family!

Right at the peak of our excitement, Satan started his little tricks again by feeding me lies. Don't you love it when Satan tries to rain on your parade? He started saying things like, "you don't deserve him"... "He's too good for you"...and a whole bunch of other lies that I had to counter with the blood of Jesus. :)

Bobby is so good to me, and I know the way he treats me is rooted in the relationship he has with our Heavenly Father. Since Bobby never really had a dad growing up, he relied on other men to look up to. He accepted Jesus as his Lord when he was a teenager and learned to accept godly council from an early age.  I am so thankful Jesus has molded him into the man he is today.

I think the reason I have so much trouble with how good he treats me is due to a poor track record of other men in my past. Before I gave my life to Jesus, I chose poorly, wanting a man to fill a void in my heart that only God could fill. In those decisions, I chose men that hurt me rather than uplift me, and I grew accustomed to the rejection and crap that came with those relationships.  It's so sweet to my heart how Jesus has redeemed my life in so many ways. He prepared my heart for Bobby when I was more than content with being single.

This post is for Bobby. And for all the other men out there that treat your women like gold.  The Bible states that women are to be submissive, but men need to LOVE their wives like Christ LOVES the Church.  Sometimes I think it's harder to love me through my crap than it is to submit to his authority, and that makes me want to respect him even more.  His heart just loves me... because he loves me. And I'm really ok with that. :)


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